ALERT: Donald Trump Get TERRIFYING NEWS – This Isn’t Good…

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Liberals have been losing their minds ever since Donald Trump signed his temporary immigration ban last Friday. Now, Democrats are saying they may be able to use this ban to get him impeached.

The Hill reported that Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-Texas) said he will strongly consider beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump if he orders U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to ignore a judge’s stay on parts of his controversial immigration order.

“There should be a resolution of censure,” he said. “And if he does it again, there should be articles of impeachment.”

Castro and his fellow Democrats have asked Congress to probe “whether President Trump intentionally exceeded his constitutional authority.” If Trump does ignore the judge’s orders, Castro said it would be like, “living in a military junta.”

“There’s no longer any checks and balances,” Castro said.

Unfortunately for these Democrats aching for impeachment, however, the CBP released a statement confirming that Trump has told them to do no such thing.

“CBP officers are not detaining anyone. Green card holders who arrive in the U.S. have to go through secondary screening but that process is working smoothly and relatively quickly,” spokesman Gillian Christensen said.

This is likely a publicity stunt for Castro, as he is rumored to be considering running against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for his Senate seat in 2018. However, it’s also indicative of the fact that Democrats are ready to use any excuse they can to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.

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