EXPOSED: Obama Muslim Scandal Erupts… Shocking Proof He BETRAYED America!

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Let’s see if we’ve got this straight: We now have evidence that Barack Obama’s administration helped fund terrorist activities overseas, which is terrifying in and of itself.

We also find out the FBI confirms that the “vast majority” of Islamic organizations and mosques in the U.S. are part of the larger Jihad organization. Yup, that’s pretty damn terrifying, too.

But we’re just starting to discover things about our previous president that are, somehow, even WORSE.

This report goes even deeper and darker in showing just how accommodating Obama was for foreigners, particularly those foreigners who wanted to come into America using back channels.

Obama, it seems, was getting some advice while in the White House from a group with serious ties to those who want to spread Sharia as far and wide as possible, even into the West and into American culture and politics.

“The Muslim Brotherhood has one main goal, to infiltrate and take over the United States of America and make Islam the dominant religion of the country. This is made abundantly clear in the ‘Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America’ document.”

And the video gives more alarming details.

“‘The work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so it is eliminated and Islam religion is made victorious over all other religions,’ said Brigitte Gabriel, President of ACT for America, on the video, describing what was in the document from the Muslim Brotherhood. ‘Is this clear? They don’t mince words, do they.’”

Gabriel also said the last page of the document shows 29 different groups who’ve committed to advancing those Muslim Brotherhood goals. And number one on that list?

The Islamic Society of North America, ISNA. ISNA served as an advisor to Obama on Middle Eastern policy.

As Gabriel said, the news blog reported:

“So we not only have the fox watching the hen house, we have the fox inside the White House dictating policy in the ear of the president.”

Truly, the fact Obama is gone from the White House isn’t just a win for conservatives, or for free market advocates, or for those who want less regulatory burdens or better business opportunities or just lower taxes.

Those are all good ideas that President Donald Trump supports and has the know-how to achieve. But the bigger relief with Obama’s step-down in power is this: Now Americans can breathe a little bit easier on the national security front.

Obama wasn’t simply a doddering old man, incapable of providing adequate security to the U.S. citizenry. He HID thousands of recovered Al-Qaeda documents…why?

H/T: Redwhiteandright

He was actively pursuing alliances and policy proposals that undercut security for American citizens – and having Trump in charge, is just a big sigh of relief for us all, no matter the political party.
